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Refund & Privacy

Refund & Returns

Since the products at PSIR4IAS are impalpable goods that means they are digitally delivered through cloud computation, all the sales are hence final. We have a non-refundable policy, so if you find a bug or problem in the product we will be more than happy to fix that for you. You can always post your queries to us via the contact form provided in the sidebar.

Why you should not raise concerns with Instamojo?

  • It's simple. Since they're merely intermediaries they do not have a total hold on my wisdom. There are a lot of formalities which we (you and I) have to go through.
  • If you connect to me immediately after any issue regarding the payments or products thus received, I can and will resolve it immediately while the Instamojo will take weeks for doing the same justice to you or me.
  • It's true that they held the payments for a while but it also creates bottlenecks. Nevertheless, the choice is yours.

My Advice

  • DON't raise the ticket or resolution or complaint immediately on the Instamojo rather you MUST notify me via email before raising the issue with Instamojo. I might take some time to respond but please bear some patience.
  • In the case, you've raised a ticket, resolution or complaint with INSTAMOJO then you must "Withdraw" the case the issue with INSTAMOJO once you get in touch with me or as per my directions.

Privacy Policy

We do respect your privacy. we'll not use your email and also the different personal details (if you've got subscribed) to anyone. we'll use it advisedly to speak with you in orientation to any subject that is presently assailable or was undeveloped in past between you and PSIR4IAS.

We won’t share your personal information e.g. email address, contact data, or the other personal material with any third-party that isn't associated to

Any material submitted by the client of the templates(s) are going to be used completely for the determination of finishing the dealing, providing the product, information regarding new product releases, and addressing any client service problems. 


Should we update, amend or make any changes to this document, those changes will be prominently posted here.

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